Jordan Hall

Third Post

Creating this website was interesting. I felt like everytime I tried some other tool, it wasn't quite right. Ideally something like a blog generator is bespoke and works exactly how you want. This, so far, does. Also, something like this should be simple.

The generative components are all written in Go. It's a pretty good language for this sort of thing, and building out the various parsers and tests was a good way to gain a bit of experience building something useful.

I hate writing CSS with a passion so I opted for tailwind since I've heard good things. I'm still getting used to its approach, but it's definitely preferable to writing CSS by hand for me.

I hope to write here often-ish. Famous last words I know. I'll be writing about a mix of things technical and not. I'll also be expanding the capabilities of this site generator, and hopefully I'll document those changes in posts on the site as well.

